Thursday, August 13, 2009


This is my new final...............

Once again they go horizontaly, from left to right(top image being the first on the left).

The difference/development of this series is that the tree image has been replaced by the photograph of the rails and stairs. It's in suit with the series more so than the tree image. This image has also had the colouring changed to make it a warmer image and not so blue as in the original, and therefore is more in tune with the rest of the series.

I really like the outcome of my final series, i feel that all five photographs sit well together and look visually appealing as a series. I realised after a while that i was more interested in the detail of objects in my street rather than whole objects. The surfaces consisted of graffiti and marks created by human inter-action plus natural marks, such as weathering and plant growth, which where just amazing. Therefore both man made and natural marks are really the basis to my series that i have created.

Artist Model- Heidi Specker

Have decided to use Heidi Specker as my artist model....

Even after suggestions from Caroline i had great difficulty finding a artist model for my final series, whether this was because i wasn't able to similar elements or style i'm unsure.

Heidei Specker
  • Her works can be understood as systematic investigation into visual representation of urban spaces, one that focuses as much attention on the effects of the produced image as on its subjects. 

  • The images from her series "I'm Garten", appear at first glance to be a reflection on the coexistence of nature and culture. This impression becomes qualified through the formal composition of the images, which are strongly cropped and have flat artificial colouring, the movement/view is then quickly directed to the various surfaces of the depicted objects, and how they ultimately texture the photographic surface like an ornament. The series are no longer the house but its fragmented details and surfaces that are foregrounded.

  • In her series she also uses digital photography techniques, to manipulate the images with poor resolution and heightened colour.

  • "I am interested in the contrast between recorded reality and the effect of the image that i create", Specker.

I think that she is a good artist model for my final series, as my images are depicted away from the actual object that they are and alike "I'm Garten" are directed to the surfaces and pronounced detail of each original image. Likewise for two photographs in my final the colour had to be manipulated, one needed to have more yellow in it to make it warmer, while the other needed to be lighten. Once done both images fitted much nicely into the series.

Below are photographs from her series,"I'm Garten" (In the Garden). 2003-4

Botschaft, from the series "I'm Garten"

Punkte, from the series "I'm Garten"

Schulof, from the series "I'm Garten"

Blossfeld, from the series "I'm Garten"

Referenced from;
Vitamin Ph, New Perspectives in Photography
Phaidon Press Limited
London, (2006)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Below is my final series.................

Obviously they go horizontally across a page, but this is the order that they are in for my series.

Artist Models

Stephen Shores explores or describes the physical and formal attribrutes of his photographic prints.
Shores intent is aimed at those artists, students, and advocates of photography who remain deeply impassioned by the creative apprehensions of the photograph itself.

Anyway below is the photography from his book which i feel works as artist models for my series....

Jan Groover, Untitled, 1985

The photograph above has depth of field within the image, i feel that this relates to my series as the majority of my photos have the main image in focus while the rest isn't and is pushed into the background.

Thomas Annan, "Close, No. 61 Saltmarket"

This photograph has the same sense of looking down something, creating length and depth to the image, this is the case in several of my photographs in my final and therefore there are similar elements to the photography.

Walker Evans, "Gas, Station, Reedsville, West Virgina, 1936"

This image of the pole in the foreground shares similar elements with my series however the rest of this image consists of a street and shop whereas mine are simply of close-ups of certain objects showing detail and surfaces of them.

Oliver Musovik, "Neighbours", 1999

He documents places and spaces that shape identity, he photographs the traces that shape his neighbourhood, and uses the physical environment also to show this, and therefore has similarities with my series.

Referenced from;
The Nature of Photographs
Stephen Shore
The Johns Hopkins University Press, (1998)
Baltimore and London

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Putting Together Final

Final development.........
The starting point to my final are the four photographs below, this was my most successful series that i put together and as i really like it im going to use it as my base for my final.

The image that has the text of "delax" on it is slightly too dark compared to the rest of the images within this series. I intend to change the exposure of the image in camera raw to lighten the image to be more in suit. It will be lightened against the image looking down the railing.

Below are four more images that i thought could possibly be added to my series .......
The most likely one to be added would be the one with the tree as the lighting in this photograph is very simialar to that of the photograph looking along the wire fence.

Two other photos that could work in.....
The photograph on the left of the hand railing could work in quite nicely with the series at the top of the page but would also need to be adjusted, to fit in appropiately.


These are more photographs that i have taken of Hankely Street, they were taken around 5pm and therefore have nice nature dusk type lighting some of them.

(A majority of the images that im looking at putting into my final series are in these thumbnails.)


Below are thumbnails of photographs that i have taken of Hankely Street, (my chosen street).